The Complete Guide to Customer Service for Massage Therapists

Massage therapist working on a patient’s lower back.

Being a massage therapist comes down to providing care and support for your customers. Customers (or clients) come to you because they want to feel better. It is as simple as that. Therefore, you are no stranger to customer service.

But customer service in your massage business is more than just the care you provide. It is the entire customer experience. Every interaction your customers have with your massage parlor business is a piece of the customer experience. This includes everything from your in-office services to your monthly newsletters.

As you consider avenues to improve the customer service at your massage parlor business, think of the whole picture. And to help you get started on this improvement, we have put together some thoughts you might find helpful. Below are some factors to consider that can help you implement the best massage customer service around.

This is by no means a complete list of improvements for massage therapist customer service. Instead, think of it as a list of best practices to get you started in the right direction.

Form Relationships

Remember that your customers are individuals. They have their own reasons for coming to your massage parlor. But more than that, your massage clients have their own stories and sensibilities. Focus on forming relationships with them as individuals, instead of thinking of them as customers.

The classification is accurate, but it also tends to lump a group of people into a single category. Adjust your thinking so that you can see them as individuals. This will enable you to form relationships that are more personal, rather than simply transactional.

Additionally, you will find that your customers respond well to this type of acknowledgment. When they are treated as individuals as opposed to a target market, they are more likely to return. And after all, one major point of improving customer service in your massage therapist parlor is to encourage return business.

Establish Atmosphere

It is common knowledge that a pleasant atmosphere makes customers more comfortable. But this isn’t limited to comfortable seating or pleasant music. Those things are important, but so is the flow of your space.

A massage therapist’s office should be a relaxing place, and that means everything from the waiting room to massage rooms to hallways. If a place feels too sterile, for instance, it can be off-putting. If a customer has to wait for their appointment, they should feel comfortable and relaxed.

Maintain Communication

Communication comes in all shapes and sizes, and every aspect of it is crucial. Whether speaking to your customers face to face or over the phone, make sure your communication skills are sharp. And remember that communication means listening and understanding as much as relaying information.

When your clients call your massage parlor business, they have a concern on their minds. While they might be calling to book appointments, they might also have questions or concerns they want to discuss. It is important to try and understand where they are coming from.

In this way, listening is different from hearing. And only by listening can you improve your massage therapist’s business customer service. Additionally, your lines of communication should be open at all times, even after hours.

Clients feel more confident knowing they can reach their massage therapist, even if only by leaving a message. But this doesn’t mean having an answering machine or waiting by the phone all night. On the contrary, this is an excellent reason to partner with a professional answering service provider.

This will ensure that the phone is always answered, regardless of the time of day. And the fact that someone is answering the phone will put your customers at ease. They will feel they are making progress in their request.

Massage therapist giving a massage

Take Feedback Seriously

Feedback can also come in all forms, and it is important to consider what your customers are saying. Sometimes, this feedback might come directly from a phone call. Other times a customer might mention something during their massage therapy visit. However this feedback comes, it is worth considering it from the customer’s point of view.

Additionally, there are other ways to get feedback, such as seeing what people are saying about your massage parlor business online. People leave reviews online, whether through social media or review-based apps. It is worth checking these reviews out from time to time to see what your customers are saying.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to customer service for massage therapists, the bottom line is to make sure your customers feel heard and comfortable. This means all of the things mentioned above, but also just treating them as individuals and addressing their needs one at a time.

While there are all sorts of best practices to consider, remember that your customers are unique. They have unique needs and concerns. Make sure they are treated as such, and this will go a long way in improving your massage customer service.

Top-notch customer service means customers will come back. Additionally, they will recommend your massage parlor business to their family and friends. It is fair to say that the best massage customer service will garner the best results for customer loyalty.

Partner With the Professionals

Incorporating a professional answering service into your massage parlor business will go a long way in improving your customer service. Your customers will feel heard and confident that they are being taken care of.

Additionally, the professionals at Answering Service Care will cater to your work style and needs, meaning you don’t have to change your operations at all. No call will go unanswered and nothing will slip through the cracks. This means you will be able to focus on what you do best—being a massage therapist.

No more worrying about customer satisfaction, because they are in good hands. Call or schedule an appointment today to learn more about how Answering Service Care can benefit your massage parlor business.

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