Universities and colleges are busy places where the phone never stops ringing, but that doesn’t mean that your students need to suffer from problems related to dorm living or wait forever to get an appointment with campus health services.
Instead of trying to predict the flow of student telephone traffic, or relying on a complicated phone tree to get callers to the right department voicemail, partnering with an educational answering service or an answering service for universities could be the perfect solution for your school, your student body and the community that you serve.
Our answering service team works closely with businesses in a variety of industries, including:
Instead of a complicated phone tree, let your first impression be one made by a live operator. A real person can answer each and every call, then route the caller to the appropriate department. If the caller needs a little extra help determining who to speak with, the human element helps a lot in working that out.
Your campus is a diverse place that services speakers of a variety of languages, so why are your operators only speaking English? Stop telling your other callers that they mean a little less to you and instead provide them with operators who can help them in their native language. Encourage campus diversity from the very first impression.
Whether your callers are dorm residents looking for help filing a noise complaint or prospective students wanting more information on your school mailed to them, your answering service partner can give you the necessary hand.You’ll simply provide the training materials to enable your answering service partner to perform a variety of tasks, from requesting forms to be mailed to students to assisting with callers from the community who utilize university hospital services. Even your campus bookstore can get a helping hand from a university answering service!
No one wants to have an emergency on campus, but they happen. Whether the issue is rough weather bearing down or a more human problem, your campus population deserves to know right away. An answering service has the equipment to send out mass SMS alerts that explain the situation, keeping everyone safe.In the days following a disaster, your answering service will be there to answer the influx of calls about when the campus will reopen, which classes are canceled and when they’ll resume. Your answering service can help get things back to normal as quickly as possible.
As an industry leader for over four decades, we know what it takes to help your college or university better serve your students and improve telephone answering support.
Your college or university could benefit in many ways from an answering service
Conveniently access your messages from a computer or mobile device.
Our bilingual operators are fluent and the best in the business.
Never miss another call…no matter where you are or what time of day it is.
Our clients stay with us because we meet their needs and exceed their expectations. No obligation, no hard sell.
When you are ready, we can get you up and running in one day. Easy and efficient!
We believe in empowering our clients to manage their services in the most user-friendly way possible.
They represent my company in a professional manner to all of my customers. They follow up to make sure I have received the information. This helps to ensure customers do not slip through the cracks during a busy week. Best service I have added to my business to date. Thank You!!
I have been with Answering Service Care for the entire 15 years I have been in business. What a great choice to choose them to be my call center representation. The professionalism has been outstanding and if there are any issues, they are quick to resolve them. What a dynamite team.
We love being able to clock-off and know that our calls will be answered! we appreciate the time and effort saved by using this service! fair prices for an endless amount of growth, definitely worth it!
Answering Service Care has saved me tons of time and hassle by answering incoming calls, scheduling clients, and handling messages. Knowing that calls will be answered by a live agent 24/7, in English and Spanish, gives me peace of mind. Additionally, when there have been mistakes or service issues, ASC has responded promptly!
It is nice to be able to leave the office everyday at 5pm and not have to worry about your customer's being taken care of. The Answering Service staff are professional and they truly are the best ones we have ever had!
Answering Service Care representatives are very professional when answering our calls. It is the first and most important contact to the foundation. The ASC representative represents our foundation. It's important that a cancer patient receives care when calling CMC when trying to reach Cancer of Many Colors staff for assistance. Thanks Answering Service Care.
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