How Answering Services Help Small Businesses Grow

Live answering service for lawyers talking on the phone

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an established small business owner, you likely know that generating leads in the post-pandemic market can be tough. With inflation and interest rates on the rise, customers are being choosy about where to spend their money- and that includes friends and family who might typically invest in your small business.

The good news is that a simple and cost-effective tool such as a call answering service can help ensure that you are providing top-notch customer service while capturing every lead possible. In this article we will answer and discuss the following questions to demonstrate how answering services for startups and small businesses work:

  • How do answering services for small businesses work?
  • What can an answering service do for a small business?
  • What should small business owners consider when hiring an answering service?

How do answering services for small businesses work?

For many small business owners, the top priority is to grow your company without burning out. An answering service can help with that. Live agents based in a remote location will answer your phone and greet callers, take messages, transfer calls, answer general questions, schedule and update appointments, and send follow-up emails. In addition to managing your phones, the live agents at Answering Service Care can respond to incoming text messages from customers.

What can an answering service do for a small business?

Many types of small businesses can benefit from an answering service. Whether you are a property manager, run a seasonal business or are a startup, you can benefit from having a trained professional answer the phone and organize your front-end. Not only will this help you generate leads and keep customers happy, but it will also help your small business look more established.

In addition to delivering better customer service, here are some ways a small business can benefit from partnering with a live answering service:

  • Reduced overhead costs, as answering services are typically cheaper than hiring, training, and paying an in-house receptionist.
  • Answering services offer 24/7 support and will handle your phones during non-business hours or when you need a break.
  • Answering services offer bilingual live agents to better serve your Spanish-speaking customers.
  • If your call volume is especially high at certain times, an answering service allows you to serve more customers at once.
  • Without the distraction of a ringing phone, an answering service frees you up to focus on more important tasks.
  • By providing better customer service, you can build or improve your company’s online reputation by generating positive reviews.
  • In the event of a hurricane, flood, fire, or other natural disaster, your live agents can continue to answer calls and put customers at ease.

What should small business owners consider when hiring an answering service?

Small business owners should consider their own unique needs when hiring an answering service. For example, do you have peak busy times? Do you need text messaging answering services as well? What about help scheduling appointments? Don’t let the term “answering service” fool you- the right live agent can really make your small business shine in this challenging economic climate.

When shopping around for the best answering service, here are several key things to consider:

  • Your budget. Determine what you’re looking to spend, your call volume, and the features that would offer the most value to you and your customers.
  • Your exact needs. Whether it’s bilingual virtual receptionists, after-hours support, agentless payments, or HIPAA-compliant answering services, make sure you match with a provider that offers what you need.
  • A solid reputation. The best answering service companies will have great online reviews and testimonials written by happy customers.
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