Prepare for Summer with an HVAC Answering Service

Answering Service

The hot, sunny days of summer are just around the corner and that means the busiest time of the year for HVAC professionals is almost here. With the rising temperatures comes an increase in customer calls for service, maintenance, repairs, and replacement of older systems. Operation managers at an HVAC company with various locations throughout the U.S. said that 70% of all business for the year is done between June and December.

As your customers get ready for the summer by getting tune-ups, making sure their drain lines are clean, and changing their HVAC system filters, there are also things that HVAC professionals can do to prepare. One of these things is to partner with an HVAC answering service. Before we get into the many ways that your business can benefit from outsourcing to an HVAC answering service, allow us to explain what exactly it is.

What is an HVAC answering service?

An HVAC answering service is a team of trained customer service professionals who work with HVAC businesses to manage their incoming calls. These live agents are available whenever you need them to greet callers, and then answer general questions, schedule appointments, take detailed messages, route calls, and more.

How can an HVAC answering service help my business this summer?

Here are some of the ways that an HVAC answering service can help you play it cool this summer:

  1. It allows you to focus more on what you do best. The most common type of call that HVAC technicians get in the summertime is customers reporting that their air conditioning is not working. They want to schedule an appointment as soon as possible to have it looked at and fixed. Spending most of your day on the phone scheduling appointments doesn’t leave you with much free time to fix air conditioners. Fortunately, the live agents of an HVAC answering service can handle the appointment setting for you. Simply forward your calls, and they will greet callers, ask the right questions, and make sure your customers get the care they need. This will free up your time and hands (literally) to focus on taking more jobs and helping more customers.
  2. You can service more customers and grow your business. While many businesses focus on growing their business during the slower season, HVAC technicians have the perfect opportunity to grow it during the summer with a live answering service. By accommodating more customers and offering excellent service, you will be able to grow your client roster as well as your revenue.
  3. You can enjoy your much needed time off. After a long day of work, wouldn’t it be nice to relax without having to answer work calls? By partnering with an HVAC answering service, your time off will truly be time off. Your nights and weekends will be yours to enjoy. Returning to work rested and relaxed will help you to keep your cool (pun intended) on those long, busy summer days.

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