Stay Cool with an HVAC Answering Service

HVAC Answering Services

As the days of summer heat up, many HVAC professionals are finding themselves extremely busy. If you can relate, and are also feeling overwhelmed by the influx of phone calls and text messages, it may be time to partner with an HVAC answering service.


A live answering service can help you get through your busiest months by freeing you up to do what you do best, while ensuring that your customers are receiving excellent service. Below we will answer and discuss the following questions to give you a better idea of how an HVAC answering service can help you stay cool during your busy season.


·         How does an HVAC answering service work?

·         What do HVAC answering services do?

·         Why should I work with an HVAC answering service?


How does an HVAC answering service work?

When a customer calls your HVAC business, it automatically forwards to and is promptly answered by a live agent who works remotely. The agent taking the calls interacts with your customers, acting as an extension of your business. This allows you to spend more time focusing on doing your job while showing your customers that you value them.


Once the phone line is set up, answering services’ live agents can begin assisting your customers right away. HVAC answering services typically operate during normal business hours but can also jump in if you need after-hours support. Here at Answering Service Care, we make it easy to ramp up and cut back on coverage as needed, and we provide a variety of valuable, customizable features including (but not limited to):


·         Custom on-hold music

·         Bilingual operators who are fluent in both English and Spanish

·         Seamless integrations with dozens of CRMs, cloud-based appointment-setting calendars, marketing automation tools, and project management platforms that your business is already using

·         Recovery services in the event of an emergency or natural disaster

What do HVAC answering services do?

An HVAC answering service handles all your company’s incoming calls and SMS text messages and acts as an in-house receptionist would. After they answer and greet customers, the live agents can assist them by transferring calls to the right extensions, answering general questions, scheduling appointments, taking messages, and more.


Why should I work with an HVAC answering service?

There are many good reasons to work with an HVAC answering service to handle your incoming customer calls. Here are some things you can expect when you partner with a top HVAC answering service:


·         The highest level of professionalism. Improve your business’ image and reputation by delivering the most professional customer service experience in the industry.

·         Better customer retention rates. Customers will have a positive impression of your business if there is always someone available to take their calls and assist them. This improves your customer retention rates, and it often leads to positive online reviews and repeat business.

·         Coverage whenever you need it. Calls around the clock are a sign of a thriving business, but many HVAC professionals appreciate the ability to relax during non-business hours. With an HVAC answering service, you can do just this while resting assured that your callers are being taken care of.

·         Increased productivity. There are many tasks that busy HVAC professionals must deal with on a daily basis. Answering the same basic questions over and over again should not take up your valuable time. An answering service can free you up to take on more customers and grow your business.

·         Increased flexibility. No two businesses needs are exactly alike, so the HVAC answering service you work with should only make you pay for the coverage and features that you actually need (and none of the ones that you don’t).

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