These Businesses Can Benefit from an Answering Service Right Now

Remote Receptionist

The summer is a time when businesses are operating at a variety of different speeds, depending on the industry you are in. Some businesses are closed for vacation, while others are experiencing their busiest time of the year. Others are actively prepping for the holiday season that’s just around the corner.

Whether you’re getting ready to take a vacation or your phone is ringing off the hook, a live answering can help! Here are several businesses and industries that can benefit from partnering with an answering service right now.


The fall semester is just around the corner for schools, colleges, and universities. As students get ready to head back to campus, things can get chaotic. Students and parents will be calling to ask questions about everything from class schedules, to transfer credits, to financial aid.

Partnering with an education answering service is a great way to get some extra support so the school year starts off smoothly. A friendly live agent will be the first voice that your callers hear, and they are available 24/7. This ensures that your callers are being transferred to the correct departments or extensions and are having stress-free experiences.

Additionally, partnering with an educational answering service with bilingual operators is a great way to promote diversity on campus. Not only will your campus feel safer and more inclusive, but your Spanish-speaking students and parents will feel more valued.

Service contractors

The warmer months are a busy time for many service contractors, particularly HVAC technicians and landscapers. Let a call answering service help you make the most of it!

As the summer heat sets in, air conditioners give out and calls to HVAC professionals’ skyrocket. A live answering service ensures that your company can keep up with the higher call volume, while also freeing you up and reducing distractions so you can take care of all these customers.

Landscapers also make most of their income during the summer months. It’s nearly impossible to provide quality service with the loud buzz of a lawnmower in the background. A landscaping answering service frees your hands up, while a friendly live agent manages your appointments, answers general questions, and takes detailed messages.

Small businesses

As a small business owner, you likely do much of the heavy lifting yourself, which can be overwhelming and exhausting. The summer is a great time take a much-needed vacation to relax, unwind, and catch up with your loved ones.

A small business answering service can back you up while you’re gone, so you can enjoy yourself while resting assured that your callers are being taken care of. Not only will they be greeted by friendly, knowledgeable live agents, but you won’t have to worry about missing out on potential business opportunities or leads!

Seasonal businesses that are prepping for the holiday season

While you might not be ready to put up the Christmas tree any time soon, many businesses start their holiday planning in summer. Making a seasonal answering service part of your holiday strategy not only spares you the cost of hiring seasonal employees, but enables customers to reach your company 24/7, and most importantly allows you and your staff to celebrate with friends and family.

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