How To Read Your Answering Service Invoice?

We Have Answers!

ASC Invoice
What is the "Service Period"?

Your “Service Period” charge includes your plan, and is billed one month in advance.

What is the "Usage Period"?

Your “Usage Period” charge is calculated at the end of each billing cycle and includes additional usage if applicable.

What exactly does the "Plan" charge cover?

Charges that appear under this heading represent recurring charges and include your answering service, and other features you have subscribed.

How is "Usage" calculated?

We account for our entire infrastructure when tracking usage; cradle to grave from the inception of the call in our systems through its completion including wrap time. Usage is calculated in whole minutes.

What is "Usage Allowance"?

Each answering service plan includes a usage allowance.  This usage allowance is the number of minutes that are included with your service plan. If the allowance is exceeded additional charges would apply.

What are "Other Charges & Credits"?

Other Charges & Credits include any prorated, setup fees, etc., and credits if applicable.

What is "Set Up" charge?

A one-time setup charge is applied for the implementation of your answering services account. It includes, scripting, programming, custom greeting, and phone number assignment, etc, etc.

What are "Pro Rate" charges?

Most clients sign up for answering service after the periodic billing cycle has been closed. If you see a “Prorate” charge, then your service had started in between a billing cycle. This results in providing you with a partial service period. In order to provide service during this partial period a prorated charge will appear on your invoice.