How Important is Personalized Customer Service?

4 Phrases That Can Change a Phone Call
Personalized customer service is a powerful tool to grow your business. It provides you with the opportunity to build stronger relationships with customers and enjoy increased retention and loyalty in return. If you don’t believe us, consider these statistics that demonstrate just how important personalized customer service is!

The Power of Personalized Customer Service

  • 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences. Quite simply, consumers crave individualized experiences. Who wants to feel like just another number? Many companies are jumping on this trend to increase their bottom line. For example, café owners are training their baristas to remember customers and make small talk. The baristas can also remember drinks and customizations. Small things like this are what’s distinguishing local cafes from the larger corporations.
  • 86% of buyers will pay more for a great customer experience. While today’s consumers are price-conscious, many have no problem shelling out extra money if they know they will have a pleasant, seamless experience. In addition to spending more money, happy customers are also more likely to be loyal, write positive reviews, and spread the word about your business to their friends and family members.
  • 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience. That’s how competitive the marketplace is. Consumer expectations are extremely high, and many are intolerant of bad experiences. Brands must minimize the chance of mess-ups (excellent employee training is critical in this regard) and try to placate consumers when they do go wrong. A heartfelt apology goes a long way, but you can also use incentives to sweeten things.
  • 88% of companies now prioritize the customer experience. Yes, it really is that important! If personalized customer service is not already part of your strategy, you can expect to get left behind soon.

Start delivering more personalized customer service today!

When someone contacts your business, chances are they have already heard good things. Whether their friend recommended you, or they did their research and read online reviews, they will expect the amazing service others are raving about. Here are some simple ways to start delivering personalized customer service today!
  1. Show a little extra compassion. Ask your callers how their day is going, and really listen to their answer. Respond to what they say with a relevant compliment, or something positive. Even if they say that their day is going terribly, let them know that you are here to help and that you hope you can make it a little better.
  2. Ask a question or make a comment that shows you’re human. For example, “I hear a baby giggling in the background. How old is he or she? Oh, my nephew is also 18-months-old!”
  3. Remember their names, and other specific details if possible. This could include their children’s names, their birthdays, or products they like.
  4. Partner with a live answering service. Here at Answering Service Care, our live agents are trained on the importance of delivering personalized customer service experiences. We are available 24 hours a day to provide your callers with the warmest, most compassionate customer service in the industry.

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