Medical Answering Services Are in High Demand- Here’s Why!

A medical professional answering a phone call

The coronavirus has affected people’s health in more ways than one. In addition to millions falling ill, the virus has taken a toll on people’s daily lives and their mental health. The healthcare field has been deeply impacted, with the pandemic putting a strain on most medical businesses.

Why do I need a medical answering service?

As a result of the pandemic, medical answering services are in high demand. An answering service can provide relief to overwhelmed medical professionals in a variety of ways. Outsourcing allows medical professionals to better serve the patients who need them most, while their virtual receptionist manages their incoming calls. A medical answering service ensures that fewer patients are forced to leave a message, and that everyone can seamlessly change or cancel their appointments. Additionally, an answering service is helpful if you and your staff are adapting to the learning curve associated with telehealth appointments.

Here, we will explain three ways that a medical answering service can relieve some pressure during this challenging time.

More patients are calling with health concerns, and they don’t want to be put on hold.

A cough, fever or fatigue is not usually cause for alarm, but the pandemic has people more nervous than usual about their health. Any little symptom can cause them to feel anxious, and the first person they will want to speak with is their doctor.

Medical offices everywhere are seeing an increase in calls from sick, concerned patients who expect fast, compassionate care. These patients do not want to be placed on long holds or sent to voicemail and forced to wait for a callback. They want instant service, and to be reassured.

If your practice is backed up with calls from sick and nervous patients, a medical answering service can help. Our virtual receptionists are available 24/7, 365 days a year, and they can help with all your telephone answering-related needs. Having a warm, professional voice to speak with will put them at ease and help them get through their tough time.

More patients are calling to change and cancel appointments

Those who are healthy may not want to jeopardize this by going out in public- even to a regular doctor’s appointment. Unless it’s necessary to visit your office, many are opting to push their appointments back to a later date or cancel them altogether.

If your office is experiencing an increase in calls like this, consider outsourcing to a HIPAA-compliant medical answering service. Your virtual receptionist can help patients schedule, reschedule, and cancel appointments, freeing up your staff’s time to assist the patients who need you most.

Less in-person contact means more virtual and phone appointments

To combat the spread of the coronavirus, healthcare providers have been minimizing in-person contact with their patients. More medical providers are utilizing telehealth, and there is a learning curve to this technology for both the professionals and their patients. Telehealth services often require more resources from a doctor’s office staff, pulling them away from the constantly ringing phones. If you and your staff are overwhelmed with adapting to telehealth appointments while also servicing callers, a medical or dental answering service can relieve some pressure.

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