Using a Seasonal Answering Service

Having a seasonal business means that from month-to-month or season-to-season, your staff may go from hearing crickets to needing a caffeine IV drip. That’s why when things get hectic during your busy season, it can help to streamline your operations as much as possible.

One of the most obvious ways is through getting help with your call volume – and you have a few options for that. You could put the pressure on your regular staff to keep up with the influx. You could hire a secretary or receptionist and then try to figure out how to keep them on after the busy season has ended. You can rely on voicemail and hope that your customers don’t find someone else while they are waiting for you to return your call.

Or, you can use a seasonal answering service.

By using a seasonal answering service, you can have the best of both worlds. You get the call coverage that you need, but you don’t have to overwork your staff or temporarily hire on an on-site person.

A seasonal answering service can bring you multiple benefits – all at cost that makes sense to your bottom line:

  1. You get coverage 24/7 during your busiest time of the year. 

    Making enough money to pay the bills – and get your business growing – is critical when you run a seasonal business. You have to maximize every minute, hour and day during that crunch time and putting callers through to voicemail simply won’t do. With a seasonal answering service, your live virtual receptionists can answer calls all day – even past normal business hours – so you can maximize the number of customers you help, along with your seasonal profits.

  1. Your customers get the very best care. 

    During those busy, manic seasons your on-site staff is likely scrambling to keep up with volume. With all of the extra stress and pressure, they aren’t going to have the time or focus to treat each caller like the special person that they are. Your staff will want to get the problem solved quickly, and that can sometimes result in curt responses and lower standard of customer service. With a seasonal answering service, your live virtual receptionists will be out of the fray. They can dedicate their energy and excellent listening skills to the caller on the line and make them feel cared for.

  1. You keep your costs for answering services low. 

    If you only have high call volume during one quarter of the year, why should you pay for service all year round? Signing a Long-Term contract for a high volume of calls will leave you footing the bill for coverage you don’t need for most of the year. With a seasonal service, you can bring on extra live virtual receptionists when you need them and cut out that expense when you don’t.

If you have a seasonal business, what are you waiting for? Use live virtual receptionists on a short term basis to get the coverage that you need.


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