Why Service Providers Need a Good Answering Service

As a service provider, we know that you are great at what you do.

But truth be told, answering phones doesn’t have to be one of your strongest suits. That’s why working with an answering service for your service-based business can be a great way to maintain a professional image and still build a successful business.

It’s important for you to gain customers in order to make your business thrive. But this is hard to do when you out on calls and taking care of business, or if important calls come in after-hours. You can miss out on important phone calls while you’re busy, and you can lose the business that could come along with these calls.

Some service providers end up hiring a receptionist on a part-time or full-time basis to handle calls and take after-hours requests. While this support helps provide some coverage, it doesn’t make economic sense. The monetary costs outweigh the benefits of having someone to answer live calls. Also, what about when your phone person is sick or on vacation?

So what’s the solution? For many service-based businesses, a good answering service.

By working with an answering service, service providers can focus on what they do best without worrying about missing out on new business.

Here’s how they can help in a variety of different industries:

For HVAC & A/C Contractors – Answering service receptionists can answer incoming calls and determine whether or not it’s an emergency situation. If it’s the latter, the call can be dispatched to you onsite. If there’s no emergency, they can take down the new customer’s information and let them know when someone will be in touch. In addition, your answering service can help keep track of any on-call technicians and route additional calls to the next person on-call.

For Plumbers – Answering service receptionists can offer 24/7 support for plumbing emergencies. You don’t have to sit waiting for the phone to ring, and potential customers won’t reach an answering machine when they have an overflowing sink at 2 am. An answering service can enable your company to be the most reliable, responsive shop in town.

For Repair Contractors – Just like plumbers, repair contractors often find new clients in the midst of an emergency – and usually after-hours. Answering services allow you to capture those incoming calls and treat your clients with great customer service from the start, no matter when they first call.

For Construction Professionals – If you’re an architect or construction contractor, you’re almost always working offsite. An answering service receptionist can provide you with the coverage you need around the clock. They can take phone calls, route messages and help set appointments.

No matter what type of service you provide, a good answering service can make a difference in your business.


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