Live answering service for lawyers talking on the phone

7 Benefits of a Live Receptionist Answering Service

No two businesses are the same, but one thing that they all have in common is their desire to grow. From saving money to protecting employees, to the ease of increasing coverage during busy periods, live receptionist answering services offer many benefits to all types of businesses. Here are some of the most common reasons that business leaders choose to outsource, as well as some benefits you may not have considered!

How can my business benefit from a live receptionist answering service?

  1. It’s more cost-efficient than hiring an in-house employee. Partnering with a live receptionist answering service helps small businesses save on recruiting, salaries and benefits, office equipment, and other costs associated with in-house employees. 
  2. Fewer business opportunities will be lost. Every time you miss a call, you risk losing a customer forever. By the time you’re able to call them back, they could already be speaking to one of your competitors. Simply answering more calls will result in more people who want to do business with your company. Being available shows people that you value their business, and this will help you stand out among your competitors.
  3. You can ramp up during busy seasons. If your company experiences busy periods where extra coverage is needed, a live receptionist answering service is just the solution! Our virtual receptionists are available whenever you need them, and you will only pay for the calls that they handle. Upgrading your plan for extra coverage is easy, and it’s also simple to cut back when things slow down.
  4. It cuts back on time wasted by telemarketers. How many times a day do you stop what you’re doing to answer the phone, only to discover that it’s a telemarketer? Telemarketer disruptions contribute to hours of lost productivity each year, and your time is valuable. Partnering with a live receptionist answering service allows you to get that time back, and to spend it on growing your business.
  5. It frees up your hands- literally! If you work with your hands, constantly stopping to answer the phone can make it difficult to complete jobs on time. Plumbers, construction workers, HVAC technicians, and other service contractors often partner with phone answering services so they can focus on completing the jobs in front of them. Their calls forward to trained live agents who greet callers, book appointments, answer general questions, and take messages.
  6. Less risk of spreading germs. How many times has one person come to work sick, and then the entire office catches it? It’s not surprising considering more than 10 million bacteria are on a typical office desk. Having a remote virtual receptionist manage your phones means fewer employees in your workspace, which will reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus.
  7. Outsourcing enables you to cut back on office space. Fewer in-house employees may eliminate the need for such a large workspace. Cutting back on square footage can help your business save lots of money over time. In some cases, outsourcing to an answering service cancels the need for a small business to have an office at all!