3 Ways You Know It’s Time For A Small Business Call Answering Service

Why Businesses Now Need an Answering Service More Than Ever

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing our lives in ways and at a scale we could never have imagined. Business owners everywhere are working overtime to keep everyone healthy while continuing to run their company and keep it afloat.

Why does my business need an answering service now?

To get through this challenging time, many businesses are outsourcing to answering services. An answering service can help overwhelmed business owners efficiently manage their workload in the following ways:

  • Freeing up you and your staff to focus on more important tasks
  • Assisting the influx of customers who are calling with general questions
  • Providing the exceptional customer service that callers need now more than ever

Employees are wearing many hats

Small businesses are notorious for requiring employees to wear multiple hats, and the pandemic has only made things more complex. In addition to everything else on their plates, employees must now worry about staying safe while fulfilling obligations to their customers. Additionally, many are now working from home while simultaneously caring for their children.

Business leaders have been forced to give their employees more flexibility in their schedule, but the work must still get done. An answering service can take over tasks like call management, appointment setting, and email marketing, enabling you and your staff to focus on more important things.

More customers are calling with general questions

In addition to being unsettling, the pandemic has also been bewildering for many. Life as we know it has significantly changed, and nobody is exactly sure what to do. Businesses have made changes in order to adapt, which can be confusing for customers. As a result, many customers are calling to inquire about operating hours, delivery options, and safety procedures.

An influx of calls from people asking the same general questions over and over can be distracting to business leaders and their employees. If this is something that your business is experiencing, consider partnering with a live receptionist answering service. Your virtual receptionist can answer these commonly asked questions, putting your callers at ease while allowing you and your team to be more productive.

Your callers need excellent customer service now more than ever

The COVID-19 pandemic has been stressful for most people, and as it drags on experts fear that some will lose their ability to cope with the anxiety and stress. There has never been a more critical time for businesses to be accessible, compassionate, and efficient.

Now is not the time to send your customers to voicemail, make them wait on long holds, or go in circles speaking to a computer. The businesses that go the extra mile to provide phenomenal service will be rewarded with appreciative customers who will return and refer their friends and family.

If your business is missing calls or is unable to provide five-star service to every customer, considering partnering with a telephone answering service. Here at Answering Service Care, all our virtual receptionists are based in the United States,