Dental Answering Service

Dental Answering Service

Give your patients 24/7 access to care

Dentist working on a female patient

A Comprehensive, Customizable Dentist Answering Service That Supports You And Your Customers With A Smile

Let’s face it—Dental emergencies don’t always happen during business hours, or when it is convenient. But that doesn’t have to be a problem when you have a dedicated dentist emergency answering service on your team.

Even though it can be quiet after-hours at a dental office, there’s always the risk that your patients could have an accident and need emergency care. Manning the phones for the dentist’s office yourself can be mentally stressful and emotionally taxing, especially if you never get to relax or have any “off” time. Besides, a dentist should be focusing on patients and delivering care, not about answering the phone.

A dental after hours answering service can remedy this problem for you, taking those calls on your behalf, handling the common questions that come in and route any emergencies to your cell phone if need be. In this way, a dental after hours answering service can act as an extension of your business, and that is how you should think of it. Whatever you need, in whatever workflow you typically prefer, a dental phone answering service can make sure this integrity and workflow are met, and your customers are heard.

Female virtual receptionist answering a phone
Woman speaking with a customer on a headset

Never Miss Another Call

When it comes to dentistry, communication is key. Your customers might have a lot of questions, whether about a procedure or even just to make sure they are scheduling appointments accurately. Additionally, you, or your team of office professionals and staff, need to be able to communicate effectively to the customers and patients, making sure they understand what is going on, regardless of whether they are coming in for a routine cleaning or something more serious.

But this type of communication doesn’t always happen in person, and there are many situations where a patient might call the dentist office, with a question or an emergency, and a dental office answering service can make sure that no call (and no emergency!) slips through the cracks.

Having a bilingual dentist office answering service prepares you for any customer and any question. It makes sure that your customers are heard and feel comfortable asking the questions that pertain to them specifically. And if anything, a customer needs to feel comfortable when speaking about a medical situation, no matter how serious it might be.

For these reasons and more, consider answering services for your dental office. Make your customers know you care and make them feel comfortable reaching out.

Cost and Burnout are Considerations as Well

Beyond easing the workflow and making sure no bit of communication falls by the wayside, an answering service for a dental office can save you money over a full-time receptionist as well. Additionally, having a dedicated dentist phone answering service can help to prevent the professional burnout that comes from never being able to leave your work at work. Overall, having an emergency dentist answering service can ease your mind and allow you to relax, which makes you less stressed, less burned out, and healthier overall.

Customer service woman speaking to a customer

Leading The Way In Dentist Answering Services

As an industry leader for over four decades, we know what it takes to help your business better serve your customers and improve telephone answering support.

Live Operator

Courteous, competent, and cost-effective trained live operators.

Message Relay

Conveniently access your messages from a computer or mobile device.

Call Recording

Retrieve the verbatim contents of any conversation.

Toll Free Number

We make sure you never miss a call and your patients don’t miss you.

Smiling Faces That Care

Answering Service Care is the team member that never gets tired, never needs a break and will always be available for your patients, giving you an opportunity to relax away from the office. Our 24/7 dentist answering service is designed for dental professionals and their staff just like yours.

Unlike a cold, unfeeling computerized voicemail system, human operators at a dentist answering service can empathize with and reassure your callers that their problems are being taken seriously. When the human touch matters, nothing else will do.

And this is why a dentist answering service is a lot more than just a glorified after-hours operator. It is an ear for your customers to communicate with, and feel heard. Above all, being heard is one of the most important factors for a patient, and one of the most advantageous services a dentist can provide.

Dental assistant showing a patient a replica of human teeth

Schedule Patient Appointments

Appointment setting is a common service available through a dentist answering service. Using tools that easily integrate with the ones you’re already using, we can help schedule patient appointments or completely take over that job for you. Since we’ll share a calendar in real-time, you don’t have to worry about accidental double-bookings or patients falling through the cracks.

Help Out When The Phone Won’t Stop Ringing

Even in a dental office, there are times when the telephone just won’t stop ringing. Putting patients on hold so you can deal with the droves of callers can result in poor customer service and frustrated patients. Instead of risking alienating your patients, let your dentist answering service handle your call overflow. Don’t resort to putting everyone on hold, just let the overflow calls roll over to your answering service where callers will be serviced right away.

Communicate Clearly With Your Spanish-speaking Patients

In many areas of the United States it’s vital that you speak and service clients whose first language isn’t English. Your dentist answering service understands your community may have special communication needs, so we provide Spanish-speaking operators on request to service callers who are more comfortable using their native tongue.

Benefits of Partnering with a Dentist Answering Service

No Long-Term Contract

Our clients stay with us because we meet their needs and exceed their expectations. No obligation, no hard sell.

Same Day Setup

When you are ready, we can get you up and running in one day. Easy and efficient!

Free Mobile App

We believe in empowering our clients to manage their services in the most user-friendly way possible.

97.6 Customer Satisfaction

Hear from our happy customers.

Getting a New Caller Experience is Just a Click Away

Dental Answering Service

The  Situation

Newly established dental practice; Superior Dental needed a way for patients and dental colleagues to contact the office during non-office hours case of emergencies.

The Challenge

Working in the dental field requires urgency and attention to detail; it is  common to interact with callers who are in extreme pain or have a dire emergencies. Superior Dental needed a 24/7 dental answering service with competent and efficient representatives.

The  Solution

Answering Service Care offered Superior Dental 24/7 live dental answering service. Our Answering Service Pros are trained and knowledgeable of the terms used in the dental industry.

Shortly after Dr. Richard Douglas and his wife Mrs. Pauline Douglas started their dental practice in 1984, they realized they would need a system in place for their patients with dental emergencies and other members of the dental industry to contact their office after normal business hours and decided to hire an answering service.

Mrs. Pauline Douglas, Co-Owner of Superior Dental, shared that when she first became a client of Ding-A-Ling Answering Service she was not sure what an answering service could offer her practice. “It was the first time we would be using an answering service but they did an excellent job handling our calls and set very high standards,” Mrs. Douglas explained. “The initial presentation that was made by the answering service was truly remarkable. I could tell that the agents were trained and that they would treat our patients and callers with respect” she added.

Mrs. Douglas and her husband quickly noticed after becoming an answering service client that their days would flow much smoother as there was no need to constantly check for voice messages. The office was then able to better utilize its resources; they started interacting with patients more and created relationships that ultimately helped the Douglas duo grow their dental practice.

Even though the answering service has changed its location once, its name twice and updated its technology countless times one thing always remained constant: excellent service. Here are the three main reasons Superior Dental stayed with Answering Service Care for twenty-nine years:

Reliability – In our industry, urgency is extremely important and in order for us to react in a timely manner we need to be notified of the situation quickly. The staff at the answering service always delivers our messages. They will keep calling until they speak with someone.

Detail oriented – Proper treatment begins with a proper diagnosis. A proper diagnosis depends on correct and detailed information. The answering service representatives are very thorough; they collect the information we requested, screen calls correctly and send us detailed messages.

Live Operators – “Having a live person answering our calls presented our company in a much better way and Answering Service Care has done a wonderful job representing our practice,” Mrs. Douglas shared. “They are reliable and more cost effective then hiring a receptionist to sit in our office 24/7”.

“I am very grateful for the hard work that the Answering Service Care staff does. It is obvious that you are a great group of people and that’s yet another reason that we stayed” – Mrs. Douglas

Answering Service Care offers answering services for a variety of industries. With nearly four decades of experience our people are more than qualified to take care of your patients! To learn more about our services contact one of our Business Development Consultants at 800.430.6511 and they will be happy to assist you!